Serve Here at Living Hope

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."

1 Corinthians 12:27

Volunteers are involved in just about everything at Living Hope - they sing, scrub, pray, rock babies, and more all through the week. Check out the list below to find a way to serve that fits your talents and time. Don't see what you're looking for? Contact Lisa at

  • Love babies? Serve in the Nursery.

    Love on little ones 0-3 one Sunday morning per month from 9:55-11:15 am as an assistant to Carmen, our wonderful Nursery Coordinator. Background check required.

    Contact: Lisa Madison,

  • Got a Firm Handshake and a Smile? Be a Greeter.

    Be the first face people see as they enter Living Hope! Smile, shake hands, and hand out announcement sheets. Assist those who need a hand finding a seat. Time commitment 9:40-10am.

    Contact: Lisa Madison,

  • Musically gifted & love to worship? Join the band.

    On a given Sunday, the Living Hope worship band includes keyboard, drums, classical guitar, bass guitar, violin, and three singers - with the occasional trumpet! Rehearsals are Sunday from 8:45-9:45am, and singers are on a one month on, one month off schedule. If you love to sing or play for the Lord, contact Angelo to set up an audition.

    Contact: Angelo Natalie,

  • Calling all Adults who love kids and the Bible!

    The time each week we spend teaching a child or student about Jesus can make an impact for a lifetime. Living Hope teachers follow a wonderful curriculum full of teaching tips and fun activities, and some of us would buy tickets to hear the funny stuff the little ones say! Opportunities to teach include Sunday mornings for the 45 minutes during the sermon.

    For Sunday School, contact: Lisa Madison,

  • Tech-savvy? Check out the A/V team.

    A/V Team members serve one Sunday per month from 8:45-11:20am. This covers the worship band practice time and the service itself.

    Contact: Russ Dutcher,