"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."

Psalm 139:7-10

Jinotega, Nicaragua

Ways to serve:

1 - Go! Join the team. You do not have to attend Living Hope to go.

2 - Get your car washed at Living Hope's annual Car Wash for Nicaragua coming soon. Once all team members' trips are fully funded, additional funds support Geraldine and Luis' ministry with Vida Joven.

3 - Pray. The team relies on our commitment to pray for their fruitful ministry and safety.

4 - Help send a Nicaraguan youth to Vida Joven camp by purchasing coffee from 41 & Change Coffee Co.

Ready to go or have questions?

Contact the church office at office@livinghopect.org


Every week during Children's Worship, the kids collect small monetary gifts (with a goal of $50 per month) to support Dorcas, an orphan at the Gyero Care Center in Jos, Nigeria. The children pray for her weekly, and send videos and cards every summer.. Dorcas is a lively and industrious little girl; her greetings bring a lot of joy to Living Hope. She says "Thank you and God bless you so much!"

Jos, Nigeria - Fretheim Family

Living Hope's Mission Fund helps support Peter and Miriam Fretheim in Jos, Nigeria. Peter is a SIM (Serving In Mission) missionary providing guidance, leadership development, and fund sourcing for a host of ministries to orphans, widows, and the disabled, including City Ministries. This organization offers orphans and vulnerable children living on the streets of Jos and Gyero, Nigeria a new start in life by meeting their needs for food, shelter, education, and the opportunity to know Jesus. Other projects include work with evangelists distributing the Jesus Film in northern Nigeria,  Kings Kids orphanage supporting more than 320 children, a job training sewing ministry for widows, wheel chair construction and distribution, and a community medical clinic in Jos.

Peter first heard the Gospel here through Young Life Greenwich, and has several decades of history with the Living Hope church family. His personality is apparent in this audio recording of his recent visit, and the stories he shares of God's work in Nigeria are truly inspiring.

Restore Haiti / Salaika Michel

Restore Haiti provides assistance in the areas of nutrition, education, healthcare, and living conditions. Living Hope helps support the general ministry of Restore Haiti through our Missions Fund, and the Deacons sponsor Salaika Michel (pictured) in the Jacmel Community. Sponsorship covers Salaika's education, meals five days per week, and basic healthcare. Living Hope members Andy and Carol Fuchella travel to Haiti annually - they are a great resource if you are interested in learning more.


Disaster Relief

When a national or international natural disaster strikes, Living Hope directs those who wish to make relief donations to World Renew. This wonderful organization not only provides disaster assistance, but also works in refugee situations, community development, peace and justice, health advocacy, and food distribution. Individuals and groups may serve through World Renew on short or long-term assignments.



Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International (PRMI) equips believers all over the world from every denomination to advance the Kingdom of God through Holy Spirit-empowered ministry. Through on-site events and print resources, PRMI teaches people how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.