Resources / Ways to Give

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things and at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Financial Gifts

The leadership of Living Hope Community Church is so grateful for the

continued blessing of an abundantly supported ministry. 

Every year, we see God provide for a fully-funded budget, 

not through the support of a select few, but through the faithful gifts, 

large and small, of each member of our church community.

Thank you!


Choose a fund below to give a gift using a PayPal account or credit card. Please note: Living Hope Community Church and Presbyterian Church of Old Greenwich are the same legal entity.

Living Hope Community Church General Fund:

Living Hope Community Church Capital Fund:

House of Mercy:

Donations using the link below will go directly to support House of Mercy,  a micro-expression of Living Hope Community Church that is starting up in New Haven, CT.  


Please specify the purpose of the gift in the notes on the form.


To send a check to the church through your bank's Bill Pay system, send to:

Living Hope Community Church

38 West End Avenue

Old Greenwich, CT 06870



To give through ACH, call Lisa at (203)637-3669 for routing and account number. To donate securities, call the same number for Depository Trust Co. (DTC) transfer number and account number.


Giving through bequests should be arranged through personal advisors. Purposes, intentions, and restrictions can be discussed with Pastor Bill or his designee:

About the "Tithe"

If you are new to Living Hope or to the idea of tithing, "tithe" literally means "a tenth". God asks us to give this portion of our income back to him for the support of his work. Tithing reminds us that God is trustworthy enough that we can be generous and he will still provide what we need. For most of us, the local church is the most logical place to give that tenth, since it is our local "storehouse" of mission causes, people in need, and people working to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. But lest we sound self-serving here, there are lots of other ways to give back a portion of the resources God first gave each of us. If you don't currently give part of your income back to God, try it. It's so much fun to see what God will do!