Here at Living Hope Community Church, we believe...
- We believe God is Triune: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We believe Jesus is the only Lord and Savior.
- We believe everyone who confesses 'Jesus is Lord' and in fact believes and follows him will be saved.
- We believe the Bible is our only authority for faith and life and God's infallible word.
- We believe worship is vital for spiritual growth.
- We believe the Holy Spirit gifts every Christ-follower for service.
- We believe following Jesus transforms lives.
- We believe pursuit of spiritual maturity is expected of every Christ-follower.
- We believe we are called to love one another as Christ loves us.
- We believe Jesus will return and judge all who have ever lived.
To discuss Living Hope's position on a specific theological or societal issue of great importance to you, please contact Jason at
- Connecting people in Old Greenwich and beyond in real loving relationship with God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, with each other in contagious Christian community, and with their calling of servanthood in the world.
- Click here for our full Vision Frame.